Tagliatelle Carbonara (tray)
Very easy
Ready to (h)eat
Print recipe
- Tagliatelle (A10) - 300 g (6 nests)
- Carbonara sauce (H8) - 150 g
- Grated Parmesan - 20 g
- Fried bacon - 15 g
- Freshly ground pepper (to taste)
Our products you need
- Tagliatelle (A10) - 300 g (6 nests)
- Carbonara sauce (H8) - 150 g
- Grated Parmesan - 20 g
- Fried bacon - 15 g
- Freshly ground pepper (to taste)
Tagliatelle Carbonara (tray)
Arrange the tagliatelle nests on a perforated GN and heat them for 2 minutes at 100°C with 100% steam.
Place the GN in a cold room to cool down the pasta. This step is only necessary to quickly thaw the pasta and to separate the strings, which allows a more careful dressing.
It is entirely possible to place the frozen tagliatelle nests in a tray and to top them with cold sauce. However, this may cause a slightly less attractive appearance. It's up to you to choose what suits you best.
Arrange the cooled tagliatelle in a tray and add the cold carbonara sauce in the middle.
Decorate with the fried bacon, freshly ground pepper and grated Parmesan.
Close the tray with a lid or foil.