Do you want to increase speed and efficiency in your kitchen?

Then our pastas and sauces will certainly please you! We help you to produce an identical portion at the same sharp time for each customer. In addition, you can easily expand your range with our versatile products and delicious ready meals. Not convinced yet? Let's have a look at all the benefits.

The advantages of our pasta

The best product quality

  • Always 100% 'al dente'.
  • Never sticks together.
  • Individual pouches, assuring food safety.
  • Strict quality control consistently guaranteeing the best hygiene and taste.

Cost reduction

  • Leftovers or shortages are a thing of the past. You always have a correct mise-en-place.
  • Less activities needed and less staff needed!
  • Reduced consumption of gas, water and electricity.

Easy to use

  • Different heating methods possible: hot water, combi steamer, wok, microwave oven.
  • Easy portioning thanks to the handy steam pouches.
  • Fast preparation time.
  • Shelf life up to 18 months (at -18°C).
  • Proposing gluten free alternatives without any risk for contamination.
  • Vary your menu easily thanks to our extensive range.

Never just buy the cheapest pasta cups.

Our pasta cups are not only beautifully decorated, but also suitable for use in the microwave. Ideal for giving your dish cold to your customers so that they can heat it up at home.

Discover our complete ABC for takeaway

Portion packs for sauces offer additional advantages

Long shelf life

  • Long conservation at room temperature thanks to sterilisation / pasteurisation.
  • Can be kept 3 days after opening in a fridge at max. 4° C.
  • Pasta cups can be prepared in advance with the fresh frozen pasta and sauce.

Easy to use

  • Easy to heat in the microwave, combi steamer, or au bain marie.
  • Fixed food cost, you know exactly the cost and profit of each portion.
  • Extremely customisable: add ingredients to your taste.

Would you like to be informed personally about all the benefits?

Great! We would like to visit you to present our products and their working methods.

Request your free demonstration here