Tasty pasta … and with an eye at your food cost!

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Our freshly frozen and 100% al dente cooked pasta is ideal for the foodservice. An ‘idiot proof’ product? Yes indeed, because everyone can prepare perfectly this pasta. Always perfectly al dente? Without any doubt, if you follow perfectly our preparation instructions, which are very simple. Always a perfect mise en place? Certainly, because you only use what you need. And you will never have losses. A natural product? Of course, because our pasta is fresh pasta that for convenience reasons has been frozen without using artificial storage methods (no preservatives, no fumigation, etc.).

You will also never have stock or supply problems because The Smiling Cook pasta has a shelf life of 18 months.

Time to list quickly some intrinsic and economic benefits. And you will also immediately recognize a solution or find an answer to a number of practical problems that may occur in a professional kitchen.

Just check out the following list:

  1. Our pasta is always cooked perfectly 100% “al dente”. Even non-kitchen trained staff will be able to serve up a perfectly al dente pasta on the plate.
  2. Regeneration preferably takes place from a frozen state and our pasta is also tack-free after heating.
  3. Portioning becomes a child's play.
  4. Our precooked long pasta is always IQF frozen in 50 g nests. Not a single kitchen assistant or interim staff member who dress again too much or too little pasta in the plate. Obviously also ideal for keeping your food cost under control. Even the weight of freshly frozen pasta is almost identical to the weight of cooked dry pasta.
  5. Whether you are a chef in a hospitality kitchen, the owner of a food truck, a snack or pasta bar, a restaurant owner or an event caterer, our pasta is always quickly prepared regardless the volume that needs to be heated: various heating methods are available to suit every kitchen.
  6. A switch (from dry pasta that you still have to cook yourself to perfection) to our pasta, scheduling quantities according to the number of people present or to the number of visitors at a festival becomes extremely simple.
  7. And what’s very important: you will always have a fixed food cost. You only take the amount of pasta from your stock you need at that moment. After the service there will never be surpluses that you will have to put away in a bucket of ice water until the next day (a pasta like this is certainly not tasty if it has absorbed some water during the night). No surpluses or pasta thrown away also means no financial loss. Long live a tight food cost and the profitability of my business!
  8. Caterers and ready-meal producers will like to hear it: all our pasta is easy to process in the cold line.

While discovering this new website, you will certainly conclude to other advantages of our pasta.

Enjoy reading.

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